
About Us

The Student Nurses’ Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) is a non-profit organization and constituent of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA), representing nursing students throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.SNAP is a student run organization that represents over 5,000 students from nursing schools throughout Pennsylvania. SNAP is one of the largest state constituents of NSNA and has been the recipient of NSNA’s Winner’s Way membership contest many times over. Members benefit from leadership opportunities, exam preparation courses, scholarships, career information, publication discounts, legislative representation and a quarterly association newsletter.

The function of the SNAP is to have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the educational process. Also, the organization is to promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a person’s race, color, creed, sex, national origin, economic status, or sexual preference. SNAP promotes and encourages a collaborative relationship with nursing and related health organizations in Pennsylvania.

Each year at the annual convention held in November, the House of Delegates (who are delegates selected by their local chapter members) elect the SNAP Board of Directors to represent their interests between official meetings. Delegates also elect three members to the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC), which is separate and apart from the Board of Directors. The NEC’s sole responsibility is to recruit qualified members to run for positions on the SNAP Board of Directors and the NEC.

You can also check out the Running For Office Page for more information on being a part of the SNAP Board of Directors.